
For allegations of discrimination, 学院将遵循解决歧视投诉的程序(“程序”). 该程序提供书面通知,说明有权提出申诉,并说明如何提出申诉. 如程序所示, 为展开正式调查,必须填写歧视投诉表格.

将为残疾人士提供适当的辅助设备或必要的服务,以确保有效的沟通. 应向不熟悉英语的人员提供其所能理解的书面或口头翻译件. 当事人可要求额外协助,并应将每项权利告知当事人,使其理解满意.

Inquiries about the complaint procedure may be directed to 股本协调员.


过程 for Resolution of Discrimination Complaints

I. Applicability of the Complaint 过程 ¹

A. 投诉类别

These procedures specify the requirements for resolving any complaint by a student, 未来的学生, 员工, 就业申请人, 或任何其他有关人士声称,有关的就业或学术决定并非基于靠谱买球app推荐(“学院”)的相关就业和学术标准。. 具体地说, any person who believes that he or she or any specific class of individuals has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of sex; race; age; color; creed; national origin; religion; disability; sexual orientation; gender identity; genetic information; political affiliation or actual or potential parental, 家庭, or marital status in its programs, 活动, or employment practices shall have the right to file a formal complaint. Veteran status is also included to the extent covered by law.

B. 管辖范围内

These procedures apply to the administration of the College’s employment practices, 教育项目, 和活动, 包括招聘, 入学, 咨询与指导, program selection and placement, and employment promotion/retention. This administration may be carried out by College 员工s, or on occasion by students conducting College business ².

在其他教育机构或培训场所开展业务或参加培训的, 投诉人可以选择首先利用并用尽教育机构或培训场所的投诉/申诉程序,然后根据第4条向学院提出投诉. Employees or students may elect to file their complaints initially, 或者解决得不尽如人意, 按照第四节的规定.

II. 保密

The identity of any person who has furnished information relating to, 或者协助, an investigation of a complaint shall be kept confidential to the extent possible, consistent with due process and a fair determination of the issues.

3. 以


IV. 过程

A. 非正式的投诉

Complainants should contact Human Resource Services to lodge an informal complaint. 将指派一名工作人员听取投诉并协助解决有关问题. 就投诉人而言,提出非正式投诉是自愿的,并不能取代或消除提出正式投诉的权利.

B. 非正式的投诉 / Formal Complaint

1. 书面投诉

如果投诉人对非正式投诉的处理不满意,或希望提交正式的书面投诉, 投诉人可填写一份 Discrimination Complaint Form [pdf]. 打印的表格可在人力资源服务办公室或学生办公室索取. A Discrimination Complaint Form must be completed in order to initiate a formal investigation. 填妥的歧视投诉表格应提交给公平协调员或第九条协调员。.

Upon receipt of a complaint alleging discrimination, 将准备一份投诉通知,并将其发送给投诉中指定的人员和学院院长,其中包括:

  1. The identity of the complainant (unless a request to remain confidential is being honored):
  2. The dates of the alleged offenses;
  3. A copy of the Discrimination Complaint Form or relevant summary of the allegations.

Situations involving safety concerns will be reported to Campus Security.

2. 调查

公平协调员或适用的第九条协调员将指派一名调查员/投诉官员调查投诉. 调查期间:

  1. 调查员将 interview the complainant and any named person(s). 这样做的时候, each person will be permitted to present their version of events, 提供任何支持性证据, and identify witnesses to the investigator.
  2. 在面试过程中,一个人可能会有一个沉默的代表/支持人员/乘务员陪同. 在面谈过程中,沉默代表或支持人员不得向调查员提供信息或向当事人提问.
  3. 调查员将 interview all identified witnesses, absent a compelling reason why such an interview cannot take place. 调查员将, based on the information gathered in the investigation, 根据证据的优势,确定所指控的歧视是否违反了学院的政策.

调查人员将向投诉人和任何指定人员提供一份解决决定,说明调查人员对所指控的歧视是否发生的调查结果, any individual remedies to the complainant, and a description of the appeal process. If the Investigator determines a named person(s) should receive additional sanctions, that person will receive notice of the sanctions.

Resolution Decisions should be provided to the parties within thirty (30) days** of the filing of the complaint, but may be longer for good cause. In no event shall the Resolution Decision be delivered later than ninety (90) days** of the date the complaint was filed.

C. 向总统的呼吁

如果投诉人, 或者被人投诉, is not satisfied with the resolution, an appeal may be made to the President. To file an appeal, a written request must be 提交ted to the President within ten (10) days** of receipt of the Resolution Decision. The President or President’s designee will review the case and the Investigator’s file, and render an Appeal Resolution Notice.

Appeal Resolution Notices should be provided to the parties within thirty (30) days** of the filing of the appeal, but may be longer for good cause. 在任何情况下,上诉决议通知都不得迟于提出上诉之日起九十(90)天交付.

V. 制裁决议/

歧视投诉的解决方案可包括消除和/或纠正歧视情况的广泛补救措施, and will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Remedies could include reversal of academic or employment decisions, or providing accommodations to the complainant such as counseling, 选择生活, 工作, and transportation arrangements and academic accommodations. Remedies may also include sanctions against individuals who engaged in discrimination, ranging from warnings to expulsion/termination of employment.

将向残疾人士提供适当的辅助设备或必要的服务,以确保通过本程序进行有效的沟通. 应向不熟悉英语的人员提供其所能理解的书面或口头翻译件. 当事人可要求额外协助,并应将每项权利告知当事人,使其理解满意.

Inquiries about the complaint procedure may be directed to the 股本协调员, 靠谱买球app推荐, 东橙路1501号, P.O. 8015箱, Waterloo, Iowa 50704-8015; telephone 319-296-4405; email 股本-titleIX@techgyaani.com.

** Weekdays that the College is in operation.

¹如果投诉人认为他或她受到性骚扰和/或任何其他形式的性行为不端(包括家庭暴力),根据学院的性行为不端政策的定义, 约会暴力, 性侵犯, 或跟踪), the complainant should report or make a complaint under the 不当性行为政策, available on the College’s website. 有关不当性行为的报告或投诉的查询可直接致电第九条员工协调员(319)-296-4405或第九条学生协调员(319)-296-4448.

² Discrimination by College 员工s is prohibited. 学院员工采取的一些歧视性行为可能不被视为学院的雇佣范围. 除了, 有关个别学生或学生组织受到歧视或骚扰的投诉,可提交教务处处理.



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